Using Working Memory & Relative Choices to Boost Leads by 600%


AppSense is the global leader in secure user environment management. Their solutions enable IT teams to deliver an enhanced user experience and improved endpoint security across physical, virtual and cloud desktops. With 3,500 enterprise customers worldwide, AppSense has been deployed to over 8 million endpoints.


Although millions of users rely on AppSense to make their work lives run smoother, visitors to AppSense’s old website were bouncing away in droves. What would convince prospects to stick around and engage?


  1. Keep it Simple: “Working Memory” & The Holy Grail of Conversion

    A high bounce rate can often be traced to an overly complex site. Since a user’s working memory can only handle 5-9 chunks of information at once, to guide decision-making you need to reduce distractions. Simplifying the design and distilling the messaging reduced the amount of “noise” in the user’s working memory, allowing more information to get through.

    Before AppSense Website Before
    After AppSense Website After
  2. Give them context: Relative Choices

    Humans have a hard time assessing the value of something on its own. Studies show when there are no relevant comparisons available, we’ll avoid making a decision, especially when the product is expensive or complex. Users need context; they need to know how their selection stacks up against the competition. Providing prospects with a relative choice helped them grasp AppSense’s value and feel good about their decision.


Applying these and several other Behavioral Science interventions paid off. AppSense reported: “We got a huge spike in traffic and conversions directly from our website every week.”

↑ 600%increase in web inquiries
↑ 400%increase in blog traffic
↓ 40%drop in bounce rate
  • Shirin Oreizy
    Shirin Oreizy
  • JoAnne Tobias
    JoAnne Tobias

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